A Special Welcome to the Dads of Sprouting Melodies


Sprouting Melodies is a great place for a Dad, a grandpa, a brother or an uncle to spend special time with the young child in their life.  We are there to transform a routine morning or afternoon into a special and memorable moment.  One of our dads told us:

I am so impressed at how you get the whole place going.
As an infant my son just took it all in; the rhythm, the repetition.
Now it’s the highlight of our week, being in the middle of the music!

 Here are some of the ways that Sprouting Melodies is committed to making a musical place where you can feel comfortable, valued and welcomed.

We Change the Song,
                    So You Can Sing Along

The most important voice for your child is yours. We do know from research that singing a song in the same key each time helps the child to develop a good sense of pitch. But here at Sprouting Melodieswe are most interested in developing a good sense of parenting. We want Dads to sing and play with their child, and so we adjust the key of each song to make singing comfortable for you and make singing along with your child an easy and natural part of your play.

We Give Tips on What to Expect;
Your Job of Parenting is Given Respect

People often joke with new parents and say that ‘children don’t come with instructions’.  During a Sprouting Melodiessession, though, you will have a safe community in which the challenges of parenting are accepted and questions and concerns can be shared.  Your Sprouting Melodies Provider has extensive training in early childhood development and they know how to help you negotiate the stages of growing up. Along with the fun and music, we will share with you quick and simple tips on children and development called ‘Sprouting Melodies Sayings’.

This Time is Special for Your Child and You;
That is the Core of All That We Do

Contemporary life is often hectic and busy. Our Sprouting Melodiesclasses are designed to give you and your child a calm oasis where the two of you can enjoy each other in a fun, engaging activity. Since we focus on the parent/child relationship, there is freedom to just be together and enjoy those precious moments that pass by too quickly.

See you in the music soon.


Sowing Seeds, Note by Note

We finally got around to planting our vegetable garden today, and I couldn’t help thinking again about the relationship between growing plants and growing children. My grandparents were farmers, and probably their parents were farmers.  Growing up, my family always had a vegetable garden, and now I have my own. As I sat there in the warm dirt this morning, I felt the presence of all those ancestors who undoubtedly sat, just like me, in a plot of humid earth with a young seedling in hand.


No matter how much modern society likes to value change, many of the things we do are basically the same as the way things have been done for generations. Just like gardens and children. Here are some of the simple basics and the way music fits into growing:  [Read more…]

Music Motivators for Moms

The music therapists of Raising Harmony™ and Sprouting Melodies® are so grateful to all the MOMs who believe enough in the importance of music in their children’s lives that they pack, and carry and drive and unload and climb and shuffle in order to get to music group each week.  We are committed to supporting you in your journey through motherhood.

You spend so much time and devotion to growing your children – but don’t forget to nurture yourself. Here are a few thoughts about how music can also be for YOU!

Sing out loud. It doesn’t matter what you sing. Just sing something that makes you feel good. And sing it out loud. The act of singing releases endorphins, a brain chemical involved in pleasure, and increases oxytocin, the “bonding” hormone. (http://nihrecord.od.nih.gov/newsletters/2008/03_21_2008/story3.htm)   [Read more…]

Meaningful Moments Making Music

“Let’s sing it again, Mom.”  Music is such a part of our environment that we sometimes take its power and appeal for granted.   But for children, music is a natural way to express themselves, to become part of a family and community and to learn about the world.

Children are born music makers.  Recent brain research shows that very young infants can recognize melodies, match pitches and show pleasure when Mom or Dad sings to them.  Music is full of the very things that children need to learn best: predictable structure, opportunity for repetition and emotional and sensory stimulation that inspires engagement.  [Read more…]

Welcome to Sprouting Melodies

“Music for young children, like music in general, is a unique experience that is unlike anything else. For young children with no language there is still music. For the young child with limited movement, there is still music. For a child who cannot see or touch objects in the environment, there is still music. Even for children with hearing loss, there can still be music.”

-Elizabeth Schwartz, LCAT, MT-BC, Co-Founder, Raising Harmony


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