
Sharing Music in Your Home

You and Me Makes We: A Growing Together Songbook

101 newly composed or uniquely adapted developmntal songs for young children to sing and play in family groups, therapy, or early childhood settings. The songbook is packed with research based music compositions, strategies and suggestions for using the material. The book comes with two CDs and all songs are fully notated. The music is organized into ways that children experience music: Gathering Songs; Embedded Songs, Transition Songs, Bonding Songs, Instrument Songs, Movement Songs, Songs about Me, and Songs about My World. A developmental grid guides the reader in selecting songs that best fit the developmental level of each child.

All the songs are carefully composed to be engaging, memorable, and iteresting with functional language and thoughtful content. You will love them as much as your children!


Gather Round: Music Time is Family Time

For years, these songs have been shared and enjoyed by families in Sprouting Melodies groups and finally, after many, many requests for us to record a full length CD, it is here for everyone to enjoy!
With this clean, crisp recording, you will be able to make songs like, Hello Everybody, Gather Round, and Sit with Me and Shake part of your family’s daily routine. These songs are all composed and performed by Board Certified Music Therapists to support your child’s growth and development. You and your children can sing along and join in the music making on each song!

By playing and singing these songs frequently at home, you will see your child addressing greetings and goodbyes, transitions in activities, gross motor movement and regulation, following directions, and replying to simple questions. You will also be able to take these songs and adapt them to many parts of your day, from waking up in the morning, to mealtimes, play time and bedtime, these songs will become helpful tools as your child transitions through the day.